Easy To Book BBQ Cleaning Services Near You. With one call does it all.
BBQ Cleaning Service Near You? Just give us a ring on 0800 802 1076 and we will answer your call (9am to 5.30pm) and can give you a quote and book you straight in for an appointment. Or you can click on the request a quote button above, put in your details and we will get back to you when we are in the office (Monday 9am to 5pm).
We strip down your BBQ and clean it all removing all the grease and burnt on carbon.
So before you have your next Barbecue party get your BBQ cleaned professionally. Using our professional BBQ Cleaning service, processes and method will make your BBQ look 'as new' again.
We charge at least our minimum charge for your BBQ Clean which will be in the region of £85 depending on where you live and which OvenGleamers BBQ Cleaning Operative will do the clean for you. So for a BBQ Cleaning Service Near You please give us a ring on 0800 011 9637
From our experience there are two types of BBQs the cheaper one or the more expensive one. So they range from about £65 to over £2000 for the very large Barbecues that are quality made.
A Recent bbq cleaning job
Is your Barbecue worth Cleaning, or should you just buy a new one?
If you have a cheaper one the first thing you have to decide is: is it worth me getting my BBQ cleaned? Do you really need a BBQ Cleaning Service or a trip to B&Q? Because you can buy a BBQ for the sort of price we are charging for the small BBQ Clean.
If you have bought one of these and now it's dirty there may be some other things that are wrong with it. For example on these cheaper BBQs we notice that the paint comes off very easily and it goes rusty underneath, and also the grills of the BBQ often have a poor coating of chrome, so even when we have cleaned them thoroughly they may still look unsightly because they are rusty. You may want to just go and buy a new cheaper BBQ.
If you have one of the more expensive large BBQs with lots of enamel and stainless steel, the pride of your terrace, then we can do a thorough BBQ clean on it and it will look very good, you’ll be impressed by the clean and everything should look very clean.
For your BBQ cleaning quote give us a ring today on 0800 802 1076 or click the request a quote button on this page and we will get back to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the easiest way to clean a BBQ?
Well the easiest way to clean a Barbecue or Barbecue Grill is to keep on top of it. When you finish grilling give everything a wipe over. Get the grease and burnt carbon off while it is still soft. Use the BBQ wire brush to get the grill rack clean. If you use it a lot before you put it away for the Winter get it cleaned by a professional BBQ Cleaning company such as OvenGleamers.
Is getting a professional cleaning company to clean my BBQ expensive?
It depends on what you mean by expensive? If you have spent a lot of money on getting your top of the range BBQ then it is a small price to pay to get back the 'as new' shine and be able to use it grease free again. Who wants a dirty greasy BBQ on view in their garden? Prices vary between £80 to £150 depending on size of BBQ.
How do you get rid of all the dirt and grime on a BBQ?
If it has been left to harden then the dirt isn't easy to get off. Even professional BBQ cleaning companies will find it difficult. A lot of BBQs haven't been designed to be easy to clean with painted surfaces and aluminium hoods. Best to call in an oven cleaning company to clean it. Expect them to take at least 3 hours to clean it.
How do you clean BBQ grill grates?
We recommend cleaning them after us whilst they are still hot. Get a grill wire brush and dip into soapy water and clean off the grease and dirt. If the grills are black we don't recommend buying a shop bought caustic cleaner as this may drop down to the gas burners below the grill and also may damage the painted sides and aluminium of your BBQ - if you don' t have an expensive enamel and stainless steel BBQ.